ONLY $1395


Optional season pass protection is also available for just $80 and sold separately to the season pass offer.


Heritage Incline Limited is selling a Nomination Right to the use of a 2025 Season Pass to Cardrona & Treble Cone Ski Areas.

Heritage Incline Limited owns a number of Season Passes for Cardrona & Treble Cone Ski Areas. Essentially, Heritage Incline transfers the right to one of its Season Passes to a nominated user. That Season Pass will then be issued to the nominated user by Cardrona Alpine Resort Limited. At the end of the season, the rights to that Season Pass will transfer back to Heritage Incline, just as they have over the last few years.

There are a limited number of passes available until sold out.

To purchase, complete the terms and conditions form along with your contact details. You will need to upload a photo ID to this form, such as passport page or drivers license (JPG or PNG image format only). On submitting the form, you will be redirected to checkout for secure Stripe payment using Paythen.

Heritage Incline will notify buyers by email of when their passes will be available to collect from Cardrona and Treble Cone office in Wanaka or Queenstown.

Pass Protection is also available to those who purchase their season pass through Heritage Incline Limited. Scroll down for details.

Once the form is completed, you will be directed to our card payment options with Paythen. If you have any issues, contact us.

Order Form

This offer has sold out

Pass Protection

Season pass protection, sold separately

Pass Protection allows the pass holders, who purchased their season pass through Heritage Incline Limited and are unable use their pass due to unexpected injury or a medical emergency to claim a proportional refund on their pass (subject to a medical certificate and proof of days used) based on the days they’ve skied. Pass Protection is tiered as a 10% decreasing refund for days used as follows:

  • 0 days 100% refund

  • 1 day 90% refund

  • 2 days 80% refund

  • 3 days 70% refund

  • 4 days 60% refund

  • 5 days 50% refund

  • 6 days 40% refund

  • 7 days 30% refund

  • 8 days 20% refund

  • 9 days 10% refund

  • 10 days+ zero refund


PO Box 2518, Queenstown 9349, New Zealand